Proposals for Visual Art

Music for Your inbox accepts proposals for visual art. You may send us a specific piece you would like featured, but as of January 2023, we are most interested in getting to know your recent work as an artist and areas of artistic interest. Anyone is eligible to apply regardless of experience, age, background, or identity.

What we are looking for

  • Visual art in any fixed medium that can be translated to a 4x6 postcard print (painting, photograph, digital art, sculpture represented as a photograph, etc.)

  • Artists whose work can be thematically, materially, or conceptually paired with a music film

To get an idea of the types of visual art we present, please review our past works.

If Selected

  • Your work will be paired with a sound film and sent to audience members as a piece of mail art

  • You will receive an artist fee of $250

Things you need to know

  • You may keep the original piece you create.

  • We ask for the right to sell 1000 postcard reproductions of your work and to include your postcard in our free public educational programming

  • We pay for the mail art printing and mailing costs.

  • We do not pay for materials to create the original work.

  • We support a curious and engaged audience and talk a lot about the art we present. Please review our social media to see if this fits your artistic goals.

  • You are not expected to attend any in-person events


We accept applications on a rolling basis and review applications every three months. If you have a time-sensitive proposal, email us at

Apeiron | Peras - Doomscroll Still 021, video still by Phillip Stearns

couple, connect, join, digital photograph by Pau S. Pescador

Crab, beachcombed objects by Janelle Iglesias

we will hear the music coming by María Alejandra Bulla